In our time, food quality and safety have become a major issue as more and more food scandals come to light, affecting consumer choices accordingly.

An important link in the food chain is cooking oils, which turn into liquid waste after use.

In businesses such as restaurants, taverns, fast food, hotels, etc. where such waste is produced in fairly large quantities and until recently was discarded directly into the environment, modern management and disposal solutions are now addressed, which are by European and Greek legislation.

These companies are now prohibited from disposing of their used cooking oils without a legal means, at the risk of harming the environment and their possible return to the food chain, either directly or indirectly (e.g. animal feed).

QS VENOLIA having many years of experience in recycling various materials, (UCO, FOOD WASTE, ANIMAL FATS Cat.3) set the goal of creating a reliable, legal, and ecological system for the collection and management of Used Cooking Oils, Organic Waste, and Animal Byproducts Cat. 3 from all kinds of catering businesses, food industries, and slaughterhouses.

Used cooking oils (frying oils) and Cat. 3 animal by-products, after being collected, are promoted with modern and safe methods for processing in industrial facilities where they are converted into BIODIESEL and HVO.

Also, the organic waste or bio-waste that we collect and as defined in Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette 24/A/13-2-2012) and include food and kitchen waste from households, restaurants, catering service providers and sales premises retail and related waste from food processing facilities, are promoted respectively to Anaerobic Digestion Units for the production of BIOGAS and BIOMETHANE.

According to current scientific studies and European Union directives, these are the most environmentally appropriate management solutions.​

At QS VENOLIA, we believe in a future where every kilogram of organic waste is a source of renewable energy.

Through innovation and consistency, we are committed to turning organic waste into valuable energy resources in our ongoing sustainable value chain.