The food crises of the 1990s demonstrated the role of animal by-products (ABY) not intended for human consumption in the spread of certain communicable diseases. These by-products must no longer enter the food chain.
For this reason, this regulation establishes strict health rules regarding to use of these by-products to ensure a high level of health and safety.
Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 3, 2002, defines the health rules regarding ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS not intended for human consumption.
ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS are defined as whole carcasses (or parts of carcasses) of animals or products of animal origin that are not intended for human consumption.
These products correspond to over 15 million tons of meat, dairy products, and other products, including manure.
These materials are then discarded or, if processed, used in many sectors, including the cosmetic or pharmaceutical industry, as well as for other technical applications such as biofuel production.

Our company has two approved Cat. 3 (Z.YP.) processing units for Animal By-Products in Greece and Serbia.
The final product that we produce from the processing of Z.YP. Category 3, which we collect daily with the appropriate refrigerator trucks from the slaughterhouses, is the MELTED ANIMAL FAT CAT. 3 FOR TECHNICAL USES.

According to the principle of circular waste management as well as the principle of by-products, every product must first be reused, i.e. we must first try to develop a new product.
We convert the by-products of slaughterhouses, which are not suitable for human consumption, into excellent raw materials for the production of biofuels.
In this way, we adhere to the principle of the circular economy and contribute to the protection of health and the environment.
The processing process converts Z.YP.Cat.3 into melted animal fats under the influence of heat and pressure making them suitable for industrial applications such as Biodiesel and HVO production.
THE biofuels produced from food waste and Z.YP. have gained a lot of attention lately.
The fuel industry is another market that uses technical grease. Existing engines do not need to be improved or upgraded to run on biodiesel or HVO.
This is why fats in the production of biofuels have gained such popularity.

Our group of companies produces and markets MELTED ANIMAL FAT CAT.3 with ISCC EU certification, for the production of biofuels, in the Balkans and European Union countries.